How to redirect to a different VF page from the constructor with parameters in Salesforce?

Sample Code:

Apex Class:

public with sharing class SampleClass{

    public SampleClass(){
    public PageReference doRedirect(){
        String userId = UserInfo.getUserId();
        PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/TestPage2');
        return pageRef;

VF Page:

<apex:page controller="SampleClass" action="{!doRedirect}">
	This is your new Page

Salesforce SSO SAML JIT Handler

For regular standard User creation SAML JIT Handler:

//This class provides logic for inbound just-in-time provisioning of single sign-on users in your Salesforce organization.
global class SSOUserHandler implements Auth.SamlJitHandler {

    //JIT Handler Exception
    private class JitException extends Exception {}

    //Handle User
    private void handleUser(boolean create, User u, Map < String, String > attributes, String federationIdentifier, boolean isStandard) {

        if (create && attributes.containsKey('User.Username')) {
            u.Username = attributes.get('User.Username');
        if (create) {
            if (attributes.containsKey('User.FederationIdentifier')) {
                u.FederationIdentifier = attributes.get('User.FederationIdentifier');
            } else {
                u.FederationIdentifier = federationIdentifier;
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.ProfileId')) {
            String profileId = attributes.get('User.ProfileId');
            Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Id =: profileId];
            u.ProfileId = p.Id;
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.UserRoleId')) {
            String userRole = attributes.get('User.UserRoleId');
            UserRole r = [SELECT Id FROM UserRole WHERE Id =: userRole];
            u.UserRoleId = r.Id;
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Phone')) {
            u.Phone = attributes.get('User.Phone');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Email')) {
            u.Email = attributes.get('User.Email');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.FirstName')) {
            u.FirstName = attributes.get('User.FirstName');
        if (attributes.containsKey('FirstName')) {
            u.FirstName = attributes.get('FirstName');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.LastName')) {
            u.LastName = attributes.get('User.LastName');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Title')) {
            u.Title = attributes.get('User.Title');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.CompanyName')) {
            u.CompanyName = attributes.get('User.CompanyName');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.AboutMe')) {
            u.AboutMe = attributes.get('User.AboutMe');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Street')) {
            u.Street = attributes.get('User.Street');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.State')) {
            u.State = attributes.get('User.State');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.City')) {
            u.City = attributes.get('User.City');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Zip')) {
            u.PostalCode = attributes.get('User.Zip');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Country')) {
            u.Country = attributes.get('User.Country');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.CallCenter')) {
            u.CallCenterId = attributes.get('User.CallCenter');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Manager')) {
            u.ManagerId = attributes.get('User.Manager');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.MobilePhone')) {
            u.MobilePhone = attributes.get('User.MobilePhone');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.DelegatedApproverId')) {
            u.DelegatedApproverId = attributes.get('User.DelegatedApproverId');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Department')) {
            u.Department = attributes.get('User.Department');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Division')) {
            u.Division = attributes.get('User.Division');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.EmployeeNumber')) {
            u.EmployeeNumber = attributes.get('User.EmployeeNumber');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Extension')) {
            u.Extension = attributes.get('User.Extension');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Fax')) {
            u.Fax = attributes.get('User.Fax');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.CommunityNickname')) {
            u.CommunityNickname = attributes.get('User.CommunityNickname');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.IsActive')) {
            String IsActiveVal = attributes.get('User.IsActive');
            u.IsActive = '1'.equals(IsActiveVal) || Boolean.valueOf(IsActiveVal);
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.ReceivesAdminInfoEmails')) {
            String ReceivesAdminInfoEmailsVal = attributes.get('User.ReceivesAdminInfoEmails');
            u.ReceivesAdminInfoEmails = '1'.equals(ReceivesAdminInfoEmailsVal) || Boolean.valueOf(ReceivesAdminInfoEmailsVal);
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.ReceivesInfoEmails')) {
            String ReceivesInfoEmailsVal = attributes.get('User.ReceivesInfoEmails');
            u.ReceivesInfoEmails = '1'.equals(ReceivesInfoEmailsVal) || Boolean.valueOf(ReceivesInfoEmailsVal);
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.ForecastEnabled')) {
            String ForecastEnabledVal = attributes.get('User.ForecastEnabled');
            u.ForecastEnabled = '1'.equals(ForecastEnabledVal) || Boolean.valueOf(ForecastEnabledVal);
        String uid = UserInfo.getUserId();
        User currentUser = [SELECT LocaleSidKey, LanguageLocaleKey, TimeZoneSidKey, EmailEncodingKey FROM User WHERE Id =: uid];
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.LocaleSidKey')) {
            u.LocaleSidKey = attributes.get('User.LocaleSidKey');
        } else if (create) {
            u.LocaleSidKey = currentUser.LocaleSidKey;
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.LanguageLocaleKey')) {
            u.LanguageLocaleKey = attributes.get('User.LanguageLocaleKey');
        } else if (create) {
            u.LanguageLocaleKey = currentUser.LanguageLocaleKey;
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Alias')) {
            u.Alias = attributes.get('User.Alias');
        } else if (create) {
            String alias = '';
            if (u.FirstName == null) {
                alias = u.LastName;
            } else {
                alias = u.FirstName.charAt(0) + u.LastName;
            if (alias.length() > 5) {
                alias = alias.substring(0, 5);
            u.Alias = alias;
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.TimeZoneSidKey')) {
            u.TimeZoneSidKey = attributes.get('User.TimeZoneSidKey');
        } else if (create) {
            u.TimeZoneSidKey = currentUser.TimeZoneSidKey;
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.EmailEncodingKey')) {
            u.EmailEncodingKey = attributes.get('User.EmailEncodingKey');
        } else if (create) {
            u.EmailEncodingKey = currentUser.EmailEncodingKey;

        if (!create) {
        } else {
            Insert u;

    //Handle JIT
    private void handleJit(boolean create, User u, Id samlSsoProviderId, Id communityId, Id portalId, String federationIdentifier, Map < String, String > attributes, String assertion) {
        handleUser(create, u, attributes, federationIdentifier);

    //For New User
    global User createUser(Id samlSsoProviderId, Id communityId, Id portalId,
        String federationIdentifier, Map < String, String > attributes, String assertion) {
        User u = new User();
        handleJit(true, u, samlSsoProviderId, communityId, portalId, federationIdentifier, attributes, assertion);
        return u;

    //For Existing User
    global void updateUser(Id userId, Id samlSsoProviderId, Id communityId, Id portalId,
        String federationIdentifier, Map < String, String > attributes, String assertion) {
        User u = [SELECT Id, FirstName, ContactId FROM User WHERE Id =: userId];
        handleJit(false, u, samlSsoProviderId, communityId, portalId, federationIdentifier, attributes, assertion);

For Community User, Account and Contact Creation SAML JIT Handler:

//This class provides logic for inbound just-in-time provisioning of single sign-on users in your Salesforce organization.
global class SSOUserHandler implements Auth.SamlJitHandler {

    //JIT Handler Exception
    private class JitException extends Exception {}

    //Handle User
    private void handleUser(boolean create, User u, Map < String, String > attributes, String federationIdentifier, boolean isStandard) {

        if (create && attributes.containsKey('User.Username')) {
            u.Username = attributes.get('User.Username');
        if (create) {
            if (attributes.containsKey('User.FederationIdentifier')) {
                u.FederationIdentifier = attributes.get('User.FederationIdentifier');
            } else {
                u.FederationIdentifier = federationIdentifier;
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.ProfileId')) {
            String profileId = attributes.get('User.ProfileId');
            Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Id =: profileId];
            u.ProfileId = p.Id;
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.UserRoleId')) {
            String userRole = attributes.get('User.UserRoleId');
            UserRole r = [SELECT Id FROM UserRole WHERE Id =: userRole];
            u.UserRoleId = r.Id;
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Phone')) {
            u.Phone = attributes.get('User.Phone');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Email')) {
            u.Email = attributes.get('User.Email');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.FirstName')) {
            u.FirstName = attributes.get('User.FirstName');
        if (attributes.containsKey('FirstName')) {
            u.FirstName = attributes.get('FirstName');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.LastName')) {
            u.LastName = attributes.get('User.LastName');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Title')) {
            u.Title = attributes.get('User.Title');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.CompanyName')) {
            u.CompanyName = attributes.get('User.CompanyName');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.AboutMe')) {
            u.AboutMe = attributes.get('User.AboutMe');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Street')) {
            u.Street = attributes.get('User.Street');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.State')) {
            u.State = attributes.get('User.State');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.City')) {
            u.City = attributes.get('User.City');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Zip')) {
            u.PostalCode = attributes.get('User.Zip');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Country')) {
            u.Country = attributes.get('User.Country');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.CallCenter')) {
            u.CallCenterId = attributes.get('User.CallCenter');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Manager')) {
            u.ManagerId = attributes.get('User.Manager');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.MobilePhone')) {
            u.MobilePhone = attributes.get('User.MobilePhone');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.DelegatedApproverId')) {
            u.DelegatedApproverId = attributes.get('User.DelegatedApproverId');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Department')) {
            u.Department = attributes.get('User.Department');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Division')) {
            u.Division = attributes.get('User.Division');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.EmployeeNumber')) {
            u.EmployeeNumber = attributes.get('User.EmployeeNumber');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Extension')) {
            u.Extension = attributes.get('User.Extension');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Fax')) {
            u.Fax = attributes.get('User.Fax');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.CommunityNickname')) {
            u.CommunityNickname = attributes.get('User.CommunityNickname');
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.IsActive')) {
            String IsActiveVal = attributes.get('User.IsActive');
            u.IsActive = '1'.equals(IsActiveVal) || Boolean.valueOf(IsActiveVal);
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.ReceivesAdminInfoEmails')) {
            String ReceivesAdminInfoEmailsVal = attributes.get('User.ReceivesAdminInfoEmails');
            u.ReceivesAdminInfoEmails = '1'.equals(ReceivesAdminInfoEmailsVal) || Boolean.valueOf(ReceivesAdminInfoEmailsVal);
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.ReceivesInfoEmails')) {
            String ReceivesInfoEmailsVal = attributes.get('User.ReceivesInfoEmails');
            u.ReceivesInfoEmails = '1'.equals(ReceivesInfoEmailsVal) || Boolean.valueOf(ReceivesInfoEmailsVal);
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.ForecastEnabled')) {
            String ForecastEnabledVal = attributes.get('User.ForecastEnabled');
            u.ForecastEnabled = '1'.equals(ForecastEnabledVal) || Boolean.valueOf(ForecastEnabledVal);
        String uid = UserInfo.getUserId();
        User currentUser = [SELECT LocaleSidKey, LanguageLocaleKey, TimeZoneSidKey, EmailEncodingKey FROM User WHERE Id =: uid];
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.LocaleSidKey')) {
            u.LocaleSidKey = attributes.get('User.LocaleSidKey');
        } else if (create) {
            u.LocaleSidKey = currentUser.LocaleSidKey;
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.LanguageLocaleKey')) {
            u.LanguageLocaleKey = attributes.get('User.LanguageLocaleKey');
        } else if (create) {
            u.LanguageLocaleKey = currentUser.LanguageLocaleKey;
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.Alias')) {
            u.Alias = attributes.get('User.Alias');
        } else if (create) {
            String alias = '';
            if (u.FirstName == null) {
                alias = u.LastName;
            } else {
                alias = u.FirstName.charAt(0) + u.LastName;
            if (alias.length() > 5) {
                alias = alias.substring(0, 5);
            u.Alias = alias;
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.TimeZoneSidKey')) {
            u.TimeZoneSidKey = attributes.get('User.TimeZoneSidKey');
        } else if (create) {
            u.TimeZoneSidKey = currentUser.TimeZoneSidKey;
        if (attributes.containsKey('User.EmailEncodingKey')) {
            u.EmailEncodingKey = attributes.get('User.EmailEncodingKey');
        } else if (create) {
            u.EmailEncodingKey = currentUser.EmailEncodingKey;

        if (!create) {
        } else {
            Insert u;

    //Handle Contact
    private void handleContact(boolean create, String accountId, User u, Map < String, String > attributes) {

        Contact c;
        boolean newContact = false;

        List < Contact > lstContact = new List < Contact > ();
        Set < String > setEmailIds = new Set < String > ();
        Map < String, Contact > mapContactDetails = new Map < String, Contact > ();
        String communityID = '';
        String invitationId = '';
        String firstName = '';

        lstContact = [SELECT ID, Name, FirstName, Email, Community_Id__c, InvitaionId__c FROM Contact WHERE Community_Id__c != null AND InvitaionId__c != null];

        for (Contact cn: lstContact) {
            mapContactDetails.put(cn.Email, cn);

        if (setEmailIds.contains(attributes.get('User.Email'))) {
            communityID = mapContactDetails.get(attributes.get('User.Email')).Community_Id__c;
            invitationId = mapContactDetails.get(attributes.get('User.Email')).InvitaionId__c;
            firstName = mapContactDetails.get(attributes.get('User.Email')).FirstName;

        if (create) {
            if (attributes.containsKey('User.Contact')) {
                String contact = attributes.get('User.Contact');
                c = [SELECT Id, AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Id =: contact];
                u.ContactId = contact;
            } else {
                c = new Contact();
                newContact = true;
        } else {
            if (attributes.containsKey('User.Contact')) {
                String contact = attributes.get('User.Contact');
                c = [SELECT Id, AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Id =: contact];
                if (u.ContactId != c.Id) {
                    throw new JitException('Cannot change User.ContactId');
            } else {
                String contact = u.ContactId;
                c = [SELECT Id, AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Id =: contact];
        if (!newContact && c.AccountId != accountId) {
            throw new JitException('Mismatched account: ' + c.AccountId + ', ' + accountId);

        if (String.isNotBlank(communityID)) {
            c.Community_Id__c = communityID;
            c.IsAddedInPublicGroup__c = true;

        if (String.isNotBlank(invitationId)) {
            c.InvitaionId__c = invitationId;

        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.Email')) {
            c.Email = attributes.get('Contact.Email');

        if (attributes.containsKey('FirstName')) {
            c.FirstName = attributes.get('FirstName');
        } else if (String.isNotBlank(firstName)) {
            c.FirstName = firstName;
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.LastName')) {
            c.LastName = attributes.get('Contact.LastName');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.Phone')) {
            c.Phone = attributes.get('Contact.Phone');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.MailingStreet')) {
            c.MailingStreet = attributes.get('Contact.MailingStreet');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.MailingCity')) {
            c.MailingCity = attributes.get('Contact.MailingCity');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.MailingState')) {
            c.MailingState = attributes.get('Contact.MailingState');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.MailingCountry')) {
            c.MailingCountry = attributes.get('Contact.MailingCountry');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.MailingPostalCode')) {
            c.MailingPostalCode = attributes.get('Contact.MailingPostalCode');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.OtherStreet')) {
            c.OtherStreet = attributes.get('Contact.OtherStreet');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.OtherCity')) {
            c.OtherCity = attributes.get('Contact.OtherCity');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.OtherState')) {
            c.OtherState = attributes.get('Contact.OtherState');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.OtherCountry')) {
            c.OtherCountry = attributes.get('Contact.OtherCountry');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.OtherPostalCode')) {
            c.OtherPostalCode = attributes.get('Contact.OtherPostalCode');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.AssistantPhone')) {
            c.AssistantPhone = attributes.get('Contact.AssistantPhone');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.Department')) {
            c.Department = attributes.get('Contact.Department');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.Description')) {
            c.Description = attributes.get('Contact.Description');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.Fax')) {
            c.Fax = attributes.get('Contact.Fax');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.HomePhone')) {
            c.HomePhone = attributes.get('Contact.HomePhone');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.MobilePhone')) {
            c.MobilePhone = attributes.get('Contact.MobilePhone');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.OtherPhone')) {
            c.OtherPhone = attributes.get('Contact.OtherPhone');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.Title')) {
            c.Title = attributes.get('Contact.Title');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.Salutation')) {
            c.Salutation = attributes.get('Contact.Salutation');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.LeadSource')) {
            c.LeadSource = attributes.get('Contact.LeadSource');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.DoNotCall')) {
            String DoNotCallVal = attributes.get('Contact.DoNotCall');
            c.DoNotCall = '1'.equals(DoNotCallVal) || Boolean.valueOf(DoNotCallVal);
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.HasOptedOutOfEmail')) {
            String HasOptedOutOfEmailVal = attributes.get('Contact.HasOptedOutOfEmail');
            c.HasOptedOutOfEmail = '1'.equals(HasOptedOutOfEmailVal) || Boolean.valueOf(HasOptedOutOfEmailVal);
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.HasOptedOutOfFax')) {
            String HasOptedOutOfFaxVal = attributes.get('Contact.HasOptedOutOfFax');
            c.HasOptedOutOfFax = '1'.equals(HasOptedOutOfFaxVal) || Boolean.valueOf(HasOptedOutOfFaxVal);
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.Owner')) {
            c.OwnerId = attributes.get('Contact.Owner');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.AssistantName')) {
            c.AssistantName = attributes.get('Contact.AssistantName');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.Birthdate')) {
            c.Birthdate = Date.valueOf(attributes.get('Contact.Birthdate'));
        if (newContact) {
            c.AccountId = accountId;
            u.ContactId = c.Id;
        } else {

        if (setEmailIds.contains(attributes.get('User.Email'))) {
            delete mapContactDetails.get(attributes.get('User.Email'));

    //Handle Account
    private String handleAccount(boolean create, User u, Map < String, String > attributes) {

        Account a;
        boolean newAccount = false;
        if (create) {

            List < Contact > lstContact = new List < Contact > ();
            Set < String > setEmailIds = new Set < String > ();
            Map < String, Contact > mapContactDetails = new Map < String, Contact > ();
            String communityID = '';

            lstContact = [SELECT ID, Name, Email, Community_Id__c, AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Community_Id__c != null];

            for (Contact cn: lstContact) {
                mapContactDetails.put(cn.Email, cn);

            if (setEmailIds.contains(attributes.get('User.Email')) && mapContactDetails.get(attributes.get('User.Email')).AccountId != null) {

                a = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Id =: mapContactDetails.get(attributes.get('User.Email')).AccountId];
            } else if (attributes.containsKey('Contact.Account')) {
                String account = attributes.get('Contact.Account');
                a = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Id =: account];
            } else {
                if (attributes.containsKey('User.Contact')) {
                    String contact = attributes.get('User.Contact');
                    Contact c = [SELECT AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Id =: contact];
                    String account = c.AccountId;
                    a = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Id =: account];
                } else {
                    a = new Account();
                    newAccount = true;
        } else {
            if (attributes.containsKey('User.Account')) {
                String account = attributes.get('User.Account');
                a = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Id =: account];
            } else {
                if (attributes.containsKey('User.Contact')) {
                    String contact = attributes.get('User.Contact');
                    Contact c = [SELECT Id, AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Id =: contact];
                    if (u.ContactId != c.Id) {
                        throw new JitException('Cannot change User.ContactId');
                    String account = c.AccountId;
                    a = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Id =: account];
                } else {
                    throw new JitException('Could not find account');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.Name')) {
            a.Name = attributes.get('Account.Name');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.AccountNumber')) {
            a.AccountNumber = attributes.get('Account.AccountNumber');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.Owner')) {
            a.OwnerId = attributes.get('Account.Owner');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.BillingStreet')) {
            a.BillingStreet = attributes.get('Account.BillingStreet');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.BillingCity')) {
            a.BillingCity = attributes.get('Account.BillingCity');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.BillingState')) {
            a.BillingState = attributes.get('Account.BillingState');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.BillingCountry')) {
            a.BillingCountry = attributes.get('Account.BillingCountry');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.BillingPostalCode')) {
            a.BillingPostalCode = attributes.get('Account.BillingPostalCode');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.AnnualRevenue')) {
            a.AnnualRevenue = Integer.valueOf(attributes.get('Account.AnnualRevenue'));
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.Description')) {
            a.Description = attributes.get('Account.Description');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.Fax')) {
            a.Fax = attributes.get('Account.Fax');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.NumberOfEmployees')) {
            a.NumberOfEmployees = Integer.valueOf(attributes.get('Account.NumberOfEmployees'));
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.Phone')) {
            a.Phone = attributes.get('Account.Phone');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.ShippingStreet')) {
            a.ShippingStreet = attributes.get('Account.ShippingStreet');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.ShippingCity')) {
            a.ShippingCity = attributes.get('Account.ShippingCity');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.ShippingState')) {
            a.ShippingState = attributes.get('Account.ShippingState');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.ShippingCountry')) {
            a.ShippingCountry = attributes.get('Account.ShippingCountry');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.ShippingPostalCode')) {
            a.ShippingPostalCode = attributes.get('Account.ShippingPostalCode');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.Sic')) {
            a.Sic = attributes.get('Account.Sic');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.TickerSymbol')) {
            a.TickerSymbol = attributes.get('Account.TickerSymbol');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.Website')) {
            a.Website = attributes.get('Account.Website');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.Industry')) {
            a.Industry = attributes.get('Account.Industry');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.Ownership')) {
            a.Ownership = attributes.get('Account.Ownership');
        if (attributes.containsKey('Account.Rating')) {
            a.Rating = attributes.get('Account.Rating');
        if (newAccount) {
        } else {
        return a.Id;

    //Handle JIT
    private void handleJit(boolean create, User u, Id samlSsoProviderId, Id communityId, Id portalId, String federationIdentifier, Map < String, String > attributes, String assertion) {
        if (communityId != null || portalId != null) {
            String account = handleAccount(create, u, attributes);
            handleContact(create, account, u, attributes);
            handleUser(create, u, attributes, federationIdentifier, false);
        } else {
            handleUser(create, u, attributes, federationIdentifier, true);

    //For New User
    global User createUser(Id samlSsoProviderId, Id communityId, Id portalId, String federationIdentifier, Map < String, String > attributes, String assertion) {
        User u = new User();
        handleJit(true, u, samlSsoProviderId, communityId, portalId, federationIdentifier, attributes, assertion);
        return u;

    //For Existing User
    global void updateUser(Id userId, Id samlSsoProviderId, Id communityId, Id portalId,
        String federationIdentifier, Map < String, String > attributes, String assertion) {
        User u = [SELECT Id, FirstName, ContactId FROM User WHERE Id =: userId];
        handleJit(false, u, samlSsoProviderId, communityId, portalId, federationIdentifier, attributes, assertion);

Salesforce: Create Test Data for Group and GroupMember Objects in Test Class

Sample Test Class:

global class SampleTestClass
	public static TestMethod void TestSampleMethod()

		//Create Parent Group
		Group grp = new Group(); = 'Test Group1';
		grp.Type = 'Regular'; 
		Insert grp; 

		//Create Group Member
		GroupMember grpMem1 = new GroupMember();
		grpMem1.UserOrGroupId = UserInfo.getUserId();
		grpMem1.GroupId = grp.Id;
		Insert grpMem1;

		//Create Sub group
		Group subGrp  = new Group(); = 'Test Group2';
		subGrp.Type = 'Regular'; 
		Insert subGrp; 

		//Assign Role To Parent Group
		GroupMember grpMem2 = new GroupMember();
		grpMem2.UserOrGroupId = subGrp.Id;
		grpMem2.GroupId = grp.Id;
		Insert grpMem2;  

		//Create Group Map Data
		Map<String,Id> groupNameRoleIdMap = new Map<String,Id>();
		for(Group gp: [SELECT Id, Name FROM Group WHERE Type = 'Role']){
			groupNameRoleIdMap.put('SuperAdmin', gp.Id);

		//Assign role to parent group
		GroupMember grpMem3 = new GroupMember();
		grpMem3.UserOrGroupId = groupNameRoleIdMap.get('SuperAdmin');
		grpMem3.GroupId = grp.Id;
		Insert grpMem3; 

		//Create Group And Sub Group Map Data
		Map<String,Id> groupNameRoleAndSubordinatesIdMap = new Map<String,Id>();
		for(Group gp: [SELECT Id, Name FROM Group WHERE Type = 'RoleAndSubordinates']){
			groupNameRoleAndSubordinatesIdMap.put('Admin', gp.Id);

		//Assign Role To Parent Group
		GroupMember grpMem4 = new GroupMember();
		grpMem4.UserOrGroupId = groupNameRoleAndSubordinatesIdMap.get('Admin');
		grpMem4.GroupId = grp.Id;
		Insert grpMem4;             
		//Execute your method here with Group and Group Member Test data

Order of Execution in Salesforce

  • Loads the original record from DB.
  • Loads the new record field values and overwrite the old values.
  • If you are using Standard UI, system validation rules will be execute.
  • Executes all before triggers.
  • Executes all user defined validation rules.
  • Saves the record to the database, but does not commit yet.
  • Executes all After trigger.
  • Executes Assignment Rules.
  • Executes Auto-Response Rules.
  • Executes Workflow Rules.
  • If there are any workflow updates, update the record again.
  • If the record was updated with workflow field updates, fires before update triggers and after update triggers one more time, in addition to standard validations. Custom validation rules and duplicate rules are not run again.
  • Executes Processes.
  • Executes Escalation Rules.
  • Executes Entitlement Rules.
  • If the record contains a roll-up summary field or is part of a cross-object workflow, performs calculations and updates the roll-up summary field in the parent record.
  • If the parent record is updated, and a grandparent record contains a roll-up summary field or is part of a cross-object workflow, performs calculations and updates the roll-up summary field in the grandparent record.
  • Executes Criteria Based Sharing evaluation.
  • Commits all DML operations.
  • Executes post-commit logic, like sending emails.
Order of Execution in Salesforce

Order of Execution in Salesforce

Global Variables In Salesforce

We use global variables to reference general information about the current user and your organization on a page. Global variables must be referenced using Visualforce expression syntax to be evaluated, for example, {!$User.FirstName}.

  • $Action
    A global merge field type to use when referencing standard Salesforce actions such as displaying the Accounts tab home page, creating new accounts, editing accounts, and deleting accounts.
  • $Api
    A global merge field type to use when referencing API URLs.
  • $Asset
    A global merge field to use when referencing images and other assets that are part of the Lightning Design System.
  • $Cache.Org
    A global merge field to access an org cache from a Visualforce page. Retrieve cached values from a specified partition’s org cache in the referenced org.
  • $Cache.Session
    A global merge field to access an org’s session cache from a Visualforce page. Retrieve cached values from a specified partition’s session cache in the referenced org.
  • $Component
    A global merge field type to use when referencing a Visualforce component.
  • $ComponentLabel
    A global merge field to use when referencing the label of an inputField component on a Visualforce page that is associated with a message.
  • $CurrentPage
    A global merge field type to use when referencing the current Visualforce page or page request.
  • $FieldSet
    Provides access to a field set defined in your organization.
  • $Label
    A global merge field type to use when referencing a custom label.
  • $Label.Site
    A global merge field type to use when referencing a standard Sites label in a Visualforce page. Like all standard labels, the text will display based on the user’s language and locale.
  • $Network
    A global merge field type to use when referencing community details in a Visualforce email template.
  • $ObjectType
    A global merge field type to use when referencing standard or custom objects (such as Accounts, Cases, or Opportunities) and the values of their fields.
  • $Organization
    A global merge field type to use when referencing information about your company profile. Use organization merge fields to reference your organization’s city, fax, ID, or other details.
  • $Page
    A global merge field type to use when referencing a Visualforce page.
  • $Permission
    A global merge field type to use when referencing information about the current user’s custom permission access. Use permission merge fields to reference information about the user’s current access to any of your organization’s custom permissions.
  • $Profile
    A global merge field type to use when referencing information about the current user’s profile. Use profile merge fields to reference information about the user’s profile such as license type or name.
  • $Resource
    A global merge field type to use when referencing an existing static resource by name in a Visualforce page. You can also use resource merge fields in URLFOR functions to reference a particular file in a static resource archive.
  • $SControl
    A global merge field type to use when referencing an existing custom s-control by name. This merge field type results in a URL to a page where the s-control executes.
  • $Setup
    A global merge field type to use when referencing a custom setting of type “hierarchy.”
  • $Site
    A global merge field type to use when referencing information about the current site.
  • $System.OriginDateTime
    A global merge field that represents the literal value of 1900-01-01 00:00:00.
  • $User
    A global merge field type to use when referencing information about the current user. User merge fields can reference information about the user such as alias, title, and ID. Most of the fields available on the User standard object are also available on $User.
  • $User.UITheme and $User.UIThemeDisplayed
    These global merge fields identify the Salesforce look and feel a user sees on a given Web page.
  • $UserRole
    A global merge field type to use when referencing information about the current user’s role. Role merge fields can reference information such as role name, description, and ID.