Tag Archives: Apex

What is the return type of a SOSL search in Salesforce?

The return type of a SOSL search is List of List of sObjects.

Sample Code:

List<List<SObject>> searchList = [FIND 'map*' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account (Id, Name), Contact, Opportunity, Lead];
Account [] accounts = ((List<Account>)searchList[0]);
Contact [] contacts = ((List<Contact>)searchList[1]);
Opportunity [] opportunities = ((List<Opportunity>)searchList[2]);
Lead [] leads = ((List<Lead>)searchList[3]);

Custom Rollup Summary Field Using Apex Trigger

Here is a sample Rollup Summary calculation trigger for Lookup relationship. In below example I’m using Account object as parent and Contact object as child.

I’m updating Account object Account record field Number_of_Contacts__c with Count of all related Contact records.

Apex Trigger:

trigger ContactTrigger on Contact (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) {
    Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>();
    if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate || trigger.isUndelete){
        for(Contact con:trigger.new){
            if(con.AccountId != null){
    if(trigger.isUpdate || trigger.isDelete){
        for(Contact con:trigger.old){
            if(con.AccountId != null){
        List<Account> accList = [SELECT Id, Number_of_Contacts__c, (SELECT Id FROM Contacts) 
                                 FROM Account WHERE Id IN : accountIds];
            List<Account> updateAccList = new List<Account>();
            for(Account acc:accList){
                Account objAcc = new Account(Id = acc.Id, Number_of_Contacts__c = acc.Contacts.size());
                update updateAccList;