Tag Archives: Apex

Salesforce: Convert decimal value to integer using apex

If we convert decimal into integer like below code, it will compile without a problem, but at the time of execution, an error will occur.

Decimal mydecval = 15.0;
Integer myintval = Integer.valueOf(mydecval);

So, we should always use decimalvariable.intValue() to convert decimal value into integer.
Here is sample code:

Decimal mydecval = 15.0;
Integer myintval = mydecval.intValue();

How to get default value of a picklist in apex controller?

String defaultVal = '';
Schema.DescribeFieldResult objDF = Lead.Status.getDescribe();
List<schema.picklistentry> pickVals = objDF.getPicklistValues();        
for (Schema.PicklistEntry pv: pickVals) {
    if (pv.isDefaultValue()) {
        defaultVal = pv.getValue();
system.debug('Picklist Default value is' + defaultVal);

How to Print a Visualforce page in Salesforce?


public class PrintSample {
    public List<account> objList {get; set;}
    public PrintSample() {
        objList = new List<account>();
        objList = [SELECT Name, Phone FROM Account];

Visualforce Page:

<apex:page showheader="false" controller="PrintSample">
    <apex:panelgrid width="100%" style="text-align:right;">
            <apex:commandlink value="Print" onclick="window.print();"></apex:commandlink>
    <apex:pageblock title="Account Information">
        <apex:pageblocktable value="{!objList}" var="a">
            <apex:column value="{!a.Name}"></apex:column>
            <apex:column value="{!a.Phone}"></apex:column>

