USA Standard Telephone Formatting in Lightning Experience
I had a requirement to automate a Phone number field to USA standard format. As of now in Lightning there is no such feature exists.
Here is an example:
Phone: 9831078379
USA Standard Format: (983) 107-8379
<aura:component> <div class="slds-m-around_xx-large"> <lightning:input type="text" maxlength="10" onblur = "{!c.formatPhoneNumber}" aura:id="Phone" label="Phone" name="Phone"/> </div> </aura:component>
JS Controller:
({ formatPhoneNumber: function(component, helper, event) { var phoneNo = component.find("Phone"); var phoneNumber = phoneNo.get('v.value'); var s = (""+phoneNumber).replace(/\D/g, ''); var m = s.match(/^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/); var formattedPhone = (!m) ? null : "(" + m[1] + ") " + m[2] + "-" + m[3]; phoneNo.set('v.value',formattedPhone); } })