Action poller acts as a timer in visualforce page. It sends an AJAX request to the server according to a time interval (time interval has to be specified or else it defaults to 60 seconds). Each request can result in a full or partial page update.
In this article I will demonstrate how to use actionpoller
in visualforce page.
- In the action attribute a controller method gets called. The method gets called with a frequency defined by the interval attribute which has to be greater than or equal to 5 seconds.
- Time out can also be specified as an attribute in
. Once the time out point is reached it stops making AJAX callout to the server and controller method is no more called.
Create Apex class with following code:
Public with sharing class TestActionPoller { Public Integer Total{get;set;} Public TestActionPoller() { Total = 0; } Public void CountMethod() { Total++; } }
Now create the Visualforce page:
<apex:page controller="TestActionPoller"> <apex:form> <apex:outputtext id="idCount" value="Increase in every 5 seconds: {!Total}"> <apex:actionpoller action="{!CountMethod}" interval="5" rerender="idCount"> </apex:actionpoller> </apex:outputtext></apex:form> </apex:page>
In above visualforce page Action poller calls the method “CountMethod” every 5 seconds where the variable “Total” is updated. Rerender
attribute refreshes the page block hence showing the updated value of variable “Total”.